AM: brainstorm, site visit, commit to a plan
12:30 brown-bag lunch
PM: materials testing & work time
keep working OR go to the use less / do more event
People’s Atlas (Cristina)
Peterson Garden Project (Heather)
geo-caching (Kathi)
Columbia College history, Future Farmers Soil Kitchen, Derive app, Use Less/Do More (Fereshteh)
What we know:
We can keep certain “installations” up until/during/at Manifest - We will need to coordinate with other PG Manifest activity.
Alterations in the PG space are welcome as long as they can be removed after Manifest (leave no trace).
Urban intervention and mark-making without a permit is not condoned by the school.
With all this in mind, what actions do we want to do this weekend?
speculative actions – doing something to challenge assumptions
Create imaginative proposals for possible future uses and activities for the Papermaker’s Garden
pre-emptive actions – doing something to set a positive example
Create temporary interventions and small-scale improvements to demonstrate and communicate needs and desires
“immaterial” performances, walking tours, radio broadcasts, video projection, etc
“material” fence decor, painting rocks, mud graffiti, etc
Writing exercise:
Considering our dialogue up until this moment, what is the one thing it’s important for us to accomplish this weekend?
A list of possiblities brainstormed previously:
bird feeders, bee hives, food market, bat shelters, bee houses,
stuff like reflectors on fence, benches, hammocks, water fountains,
garden gnomes, more trash bins, more signs, vegetable plots,
furniture, painting rocks, pulp painted onto rocks,
make info fliers to update campus about changes, sign to identify plants, mission statement for garden, more transparency and
communication to the students, garden newsletter, clean up days, zen
rock garden, composting, mailbox, geocache &
letterboxing, wayfinding signs to CTA, event kiosk, chess tables, share
more info about plant+paper connection, seed paper strips
lunch break
Identify an issue or question to address through the work. What is the content/subject matter? What do we want to communicate?
The space is used and usable. Has been and will be used.
Sign says so, but the space does not say so. Too much text.
The fence communicates lack of use. A blank space. Communicates waste.
We want to communicate possibility. Agency. Space/place has potential.
Community and sustainability.
should we best use the space in short-term? How does this translate to
other empty space in Chicago?
Activating a space will inspire other people to do it too.
Invitation to solicit help & volunteers.
Whimsy and joy.
What are we making?
text from gravel
-tossing rocks
-wishes on rocks
sound sculpture
fence weaving
[[interactivity]] -- [[ground - horizon - sky]]
Do we work in teams or sub-groups?
What media/materials do we use?
whimsy as a material - not didactic, institutional, or commercial
sign to solicit interested people
What is the goal?
Who is the audience?
How do we expect them to respond?
What is our timeline?
How will we know if we have succeeded?
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